Welcome to my little blog! Nothing earth-shattering here; just comments on life, health (or lack of), books, movies, hobbies, and faith.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A New Day

     I usually am not too terribly excited to see the weekend be over, but this time is a bit different. On Friday, I had my first oncology treatment and it left me feeling like I had a nasty bout of flu. It started at the oncology clinic with severe chilling and it wasn't long after that the aches and headache set in. My poor sister was my helper for the day and was so patient and kind in helping me get settled back at home. She fixed me up with gingerale and made sure I had my medications. Len came home from work later and kept me well-medicated and with cold drinks at hand. I thank God for such a dear sis and such a wonderful husband. Just don't know what I would do without them sometimes!

   A friend asked this weekend if I was angry at God because I received my cancer diagnosis while Len was still undergoing his chemotherapy. I immediately answered "no", but later that led me to really think and pray about it. My answer was still the same, but it did lead me to reacquaint myself with Lamentations, chapter 3. I LOVE that chapter! Jeremiah pours his heart out, lays it on the line, and then states, "Yet this I call to mind and therefore have hope: because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:21-23, NIV). Such a sweet, sweet promise! Just as Jeremiah did, I had to totally acknowledge that the Lord is good to those who hope in Him.

   While all the health issues around our household have been difficult, I do have to say that they have served to make me desire Him more in my life and urged me deeper into my Bible. Isn't it a shame that it sometimes takes things like this to draw us closer to Him?? The nice part of it, though, is rediscovering promises and being refreshed by verses that comfort and provide an outlet for expression. I still fumble and stumble WAY TOO much, but I am learning more and more that God uses many things to teach us and draw us. He can take my failings and use them to show me the right path. He does NOT use these failings as a bat to beat me over the head. Thank God!!

   All of these things have also shown us just how many people there are that care about us. Both of us have been placed on prayer lists from one side of this country to the other (and a few outside the USA also!). There have been so many times that we have literally felt the sustaining prayers of other believers. They have been like a warm blanket on a cold day.  Even this is a good lesson for me! I really, really see how important it is to offer prayer for others. In the past, I have stated I would pray for someone and then would pray at night-time for them. Now, I am making a conscious effort to stop and pray right at that time, in addition to praying at night. I hope you will join me this week in lifting up others in prayers in an immediate manner and then continue in prayer for those whose needs have been layed on your heart.

1 Peter 3:12  For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their prayers


  1. Hi,

    Just stopped in from SBA to take a peek at your blog. Thanks for the reminder from Lamentations. Excellent words. Also, thanks for the reminder to pray right a way.

    I am praying for complete recovery for you and Len. Please post on SBA when you are having treatment, as that will remind me (and others) to pray for you.

    Hope you are feeling better. {{Hugs}}

    Keep a lookin' up.

  2. Praying for someone is the best gift we can give them. There IS power in prayers!
    You, Leonard and Matt are always in my prayers! Love you guys!
