Welcome to my little blog! Nothing earth-shattering here; just comments on life, health (or lack of), books, movies, hobbies, and faith.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Time For Everything

I have a phobia for anything electronic (reference the fact that I still can't operate a VCR, let alone a DVD player) so I am somewhat shocked to find myself starting up a blog. I have lots of thoughts and don't really record them in a diary, so this felt like a pretty good time to foist my thoughts on the unsuspecting few who make it to here. Just kidding! Well, actually not - now that you are here, you have to read my stuff or I will sick the boogie man on you.

I suppose the starting of a blog was something that was interesting to me for months, but it was the recent news that I was now out of remission (B-cell lymphoma) that has prompted me to step out and do something new. A wonderful lady I know calls doing New Things "going for the golden ring" and encourages me to be more venturesome. So, "here's to you", Ms. Judy/the dancing lady.

I imagine if you check in over the next weeks and months that you will be subjected to rambles about health, books (which I adore), old and new movies, and family. I bet there might even be a few terrible jokes and I know there will some musing about my faith, which I am choosing to look at as "insights", haha. Knowing me, I will wax nostalgic more than once or twice and will talk at length about the olden-days. I will be delighted to have you along for the journey and pray that I can be an encouragement to someone or at least make them smile. Welcome!

Psalm 116:7  Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.